VeSync 6 Discussions & 6 Replies by 12 Shoppers

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The VeSync forum discussions you see here were updated . We currently have 12 active community members who are discussing about

VeSync discussions

How to clean vesync humidifier?

Help me!! My Levoit Classic 300S Humidifier is really dirty. I want to clean it, but I'm afraid it's wrong :( Does anyone know how to do it?
cleaning humidifier humidifier maintenance Levoit Classic 300S humidifier cleaning

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How to connect vesync air purifier to wifi?

I've just bought a Levoit Core 200S Smart Air Purifier, but I'm really confused about how to connect it to Wi-Fi. When I tried it, it kept failing. HUFF😥
troubleshooting connecting to Wi-Fi Levoit Core 200S smart air purifier air purifier Wi-Fi connection

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What is vesync? Is it trusted?

I have just found this brand name. What do you think about it? I'm having trouble finding reviews, so I'm worried about its reliability.
brand trust reviews reliability home monitoring security cameras Smart Home Devices

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